Website Design Industry Pricing

Website pricing making you a little uneasy? Yep, shit can get expensive hella quick.

We hate that a lot of business owners can't utilise a website effectively and are suffering from a severe lack of growth. Oftentimes they don't actually realise that they don't exist on Google, that their pages are slow, or that users can't find the content they're looking for.

Addressing these issues often comes with a hefty price tag. But it doesn't have to. Our mission is to make websites that small business owners can be proud of for them to utilise and market their business with for a small monthly cost that pays itself back with all those new customers you'll attract. Cancel anytime (but why would you 😉).

What are the costs of different services commonly offered by website professionals?

Website Design
A standard 5-page website will set you back a few thousand. These are generally built in a content management system such as WordPress. Hosting and maintenance will typically be charged on top or will be left for you to manage.
Standard $3000 to $5000
Complex $7000 to $15000
SEO Optimisation
This is where your site gets optimised to show and attract customers through search engines. Generally includes keyword/keyphrase and rank tracking, content optimisation and scheduled content updates such as 1-2 blog posts a month or more. Depends on the package.
$500 to $2500mth
Agency $$$
Website Maintenance
This what keeps your website running smoothly, particularly if using a platform that depends on plugin support. Just like paying for car maintenance. Price varies significantly depending on scope of work, complexity of site, site architecture and more.
$100 to $500mth
Website Hosting
Your website needs a place to live so users can access it. Just like renting a space for your shop or home. Too many users? You'll need a bigger place. Costs can skyrocket based on your current provider and sudden traffic spikes running costs for a small business website with minimal needs is fairly cheap.
$20 to $100mth
Ad-hoc fixes and troubleshooting
This is your pay by the hour stuff. Website broken? Need something added quickly? Site got hacked? You'll give someone a call, they'll give you a number and you say yay or nay.
Freelancer $70hr to $150hr
Agency $200hr to $300hr

Let's give you some real examples to back that up

As of 16/7/24.

Real-world Website Costs

These are all sourced from real businesses and companies through a few Google searches.
$2500 + $160mth +$200hr

Real-world Everything-else Costs

If you're looking at further investment bracket to boost your business in areas such as SEO, Google Ads marketing or just to keep things runnings smoothly, compare your mental figure with what real businesses do it for. Then compare it with us.

Included with unlimited revisions. Forever.

"Pfft I'll just use Wix"

If you just need something simple to just 'exist', sure. Go spin up a Squarespace account or give Wix a try (*deep sigh*). Better yet, give your cousin's mate's kid $100 and let 'em have at it. Or give that $100 to the homeless guy - at least you'll feel great afterwards.

You know what all cheap slap-together websites all have in common? They suck. Have a squiz here if you want the details on why you should avoid them. That's not to say that businesses haven't been able to make a living, hell even thrive, using these platforms but it's a hell of a lot of work and still doesn't get you to where you could be. The businesses that do half-alright using them generally outsource the work to specialists in those areas. That's where we come in. Here's a glimpse at the swamp of sh*t we help you avoid.

Any of this stuff sound familiar?

  • Slow loading timesAffects user experience and SEO rankings.
  • Broken images and linksDamages credibility and frustrates users.
  • Not showing in GoogleIndicates SEO issues or penalties.
  • Hard to editMakes site maintenance and updates difficult or more costly.
  • Things 'just not working'
  • Site errors or loading issuesCan drive users away and affect SEO.
  • Inconsistent brandingAffects brand recognition and trust.
  • Limited functionalityRestricts user engagement and site potential.
  • Looks poor on some devices but alright on othersIndicates poor responsive design.

What about some of the not-so-obvious ones?

  • Poor SEO (Google) configCan impact how you're ranked in Google.
  • Things rearranging themselves as the page loads (Google won't like you for that)This can negatively impact your SEO and user experience.
  • Javascript errorsErrors in your JavaScript can break functionality and impact performance.
  • Unoptimized imagesLarge or improperly formatted images can slow down your site.
  • Schema errorsIncorrect schema markup can hinder search engines from understanding your content.
  • Accessibility non-complianceExcludes users with disabilities and may result in legal issues.
  • Bad server response timesLeads to poor user experience and lower SEO rankings.
  • Inefficient or buggy codeCan cause crashes, slow performance, and security vulnerabilities.
  • Malicious activityPoses serious security risks and can damage reputation.

You know what's great about choosing us?

You don't have to worry about all that sh*t above.

Look we're not the cheapest when it comes to 'just make a damn website'. But we're sure as shit the best bang you're gonna get when it comes to solving your business problems. Some of which I bet you don't realise was a problem til we show it to you.

Industry average
website cost

$3595mth Ongoing + costsExcluding the lot that charges $16k.

Our average
website cost

SAVE 97% OngoingBased on average business plan of $249mth.

If that wasn't good enough.
We're also the only agency that offers unlimited edits as standard.

It looks suss. What's the catch?

One - It's ours.

We ain't giving you hundreds of hours of labour for nothing just for you to take it elsewhere after a month. It works just like a Netflix subscription. We manage the build, the servers, the tech, the headaches, the lot. Just pay for as long as you need it, cancel it when you don't. If you run a solid business it should be around retirement age 😉

Two - We're in it for the long term.

We're not interested in being in a fight or flight mindset, wondering where the next project's gonna come from. We'd much rather forego the big fancy contracts for a slow, sustainable uphill climb that'll keep everyone fed and happy on both sides for years to come.

Three - We're growing.

We have less overheads. We're nimble. We take on fewer clients and only those we know we can provide immense value to. That means a more intimate experience, more support, more detail, and more focus on your business. We strive for success for every individual client and won't rest until we've delivered on that promise. You're not just a number on a ticket to us. We know you have a vision for where you want to take yourself. We can help you realise that.

Now hit the damn button already.

Let's explore your project